Development of our own database, LDBX, version 3.0

Our systems are currently running with LDBX (LightspeedDB X) version 2.0, LDBX 3.0 will be a replication-cluster enabled solution to match the demanding needs of data storage in future. Please bear with us as we upgrade our systems in the use of LDBX 3.0. As it is a significant enhancement and improvement to our existing database layer

MySQL – 500 op/s write, 3500 op/s read
LDBX 2.0 – 300,000 op/s write, 300,000 op/s read
LDBX 3.0 – 450,000 op/s write, 1,000,000 op/s read

We are currently performing aggressive load testing on it now to ensure data integrity.

08 March 2022 update – upcoming linux kernel improvements allow us to improve performance of LDBX 3.0 1.5x more in write and read ops.

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